We’re on the 20th TWP Writers Grant if you can believe it! For the 20th grant, we are really happy to give it to Trans Safety Network. TSN track organised harm and wider campaigns that aim to incite public hatred against the trans community. We believe this is hugely important work, work that we are especially keen to support through offering this grant because the writing on Trans Safety Network is all done on a voluntary basis. Their website brings together the knowledge and skills of data scientists, community activists, journalists, social media analysts and tech professionals; we hope they can continue this generous work, although we wish they didn’t have to do it in the first place.
Bio: Trans Safety Network is a research collective formed in October 2020 to monitor organised harm efforts and threats targetting the trans community. We gather data on and archive anti-transgender hate materials submitted to us by members of the community, follow and report on the activities of hate campaigns and investigate groups spreading disinformation about trans people.