Happy June everyoneeee! We are pleased to announce that the 22nd recipient of The White Pube Writers Grant is nil00151, a writer and artist from Liverpool who makes music, visuals and interactive digital artworks. We have been following their work for a while now and not to sound spooky or weird but I do think nil00 is gonna be a star lol and I am saying it here now so later on I can say I told you so. For the Writers Grant, nil00 sent in writing in the form of a zine, a game, and an EP. The zine has poems, stories, lyrics, and slippy essays. One of the texts is called ‘why being hot is the meaning of life and justifies evil,’ another is a story that nil00 started when they were 15 and finished aged 25. Everything bit of writing framed with art, layered, angular, casual and full of genuine imagination, we are v happy to support more of it being made :)

BIO: nil00 is a writer and artist from Liverpool, making music, visuals, and interactive digital artworks. Their main interests are digital mysticism, folklore/magic/myth, and the beauty of letting the world break your heart.

[image of nil00 credited to Laleh Kamalian]


